City Engineering
The City Engineering Department is responsible for the design, planning and construction of Bryan’s infrastructure improvements. It also handles zoning and permits for any construction taking place within city limits.
The department also provides technical support to other City of Bryan departments, citizens and developers for utility locations, sanitary and storm distribution, traffic and other engineering-related items.
Helpful Links:
- Geographic Information System
- Ohio Utility Protection Service
Location, Hours & Contact Details
The engineer’s office is located on the second floor of the Don North Municipal Building and is open 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Phone number is 419-633-6010.

- Conditional Use of a Lot
- Conditional Use & Similar Use
- Lot Split
- Rezoning of a Lot
- Site/Development Plan Approval
- Subdivision Plat Approval
- Vacation of Right-of-Way
- Appeals & Variance
A permit authorizes the construction, installation, replacement, and modification of a building, structure or property. There are four types of permits: work, commercial & industrial, moving a building, and sign.
Fill out the application in its entirety. Return your paperwork to the zoning administrator when completed. Allow two weeks for the zoning administrator to process your paperwork. Make sure the contact portion of the paperwork is filled out in case the zoning administrator has any question or comments.
If a contractor is doing the work, they will need to be on file with the income tax department before a permit is issued. Once the zoning administrator has approved your permit, you will be contacted and may stop back into the City of Bryan Engineering Department with your payment and pick up your permit.
Food Truck Permit: Food truck permits are required which can be obtained through the Mayor’s office. The permit requires a police background check and approval by the Mayor. Permits are $50 per year and only certain city parking lots may be utilized for such business. (See Codified Ordinance of the City of Bryan 773.01)
Permit Applications:
Work Permits
Work permits are required for the following items:
- Accessory buildings
- Curb cuts
- Demolition
- Driveways
- Decks
- Fencing
- Garages
- Patios
- Porches
- Residential buildings
- Sanitary inspection and tap
- Storm inspection and tap
- Sidewalks
- Siding
- Swimming pools
- Windows
Commercial & Industrial Permits
Commercial & industrial permits require submitting two sets of state-approved plans with your completed paperwork. Once your paperwork has been received, eight department heads will meet the following Wednesday, and we encourage you to be at the meeting to answer any questions. If you cannot attend, we will submit a punch list with any necessary corrections. Once each department head has no further questions, he or she will sign off on the permit. Partial permits are also available.
Moving Permit
A moving permit is required for any building being moved over, along, or across any highway, street or alley in the city. The permit requires a building description, including dimensions and construction material, the route involved with the move, and the time and date of the move. A cost estimate from utility companies for removing and replacing lines/structures to accommodate the move is also required. The city also requires a surety bond or a liability insurance policy for $300,000. See moving regulations.
Sign Permit
A sign permit requires a drawing of the proposed sign with dimensions. This drawing should also show the proposed location of the sign on the site. If the proposed site is in the C-3 district, it must go before the C-3 Design Review Committee for approval. See sign regulations.
Accessory Building | $.04 per Sq. Ft./Min. $20.00 | An accessory building cannot occupy more than 30% of the rear yard. You are allowed 2 detached structures. Accessory buildings cannot be located on an easement and shall not exceed 18 feet in height. |
Commercial & Industrial Building | $2.00 per $1,000 of construction cost | Permits require state-approved plans. The plans are looked at and signed by city department heads. City council must approve the permit. |
Conditional Use of a Lot | $150.00 | If the proposed use of a lot in a zoning district is permitted as a conditional use, a zoning certificate application and a construction drawing must be presented to the Planning Commission for approval. |
Curb Cut | $20.00 | A permit is required if you plan to cut the existing street curb. |
Demolition | $.02 per Sq. Ft./Min. $20.00 | Any primary building or outbuilding to be dismantled or removed. |
Driveway | $20.00 | A new driveway, widening an existing driveway or changing the type of material of a driveway requires a permit. Driveways must adhere to a 3-foot side rear set back. |
Decks, Patios & Porches | $20.00 | The structure may be opened or closed. Must adhere to yard setbacks. |
Fence | $20.00 | Construct, alter, replace or reconstruct a fence on your property. Fences may be put up to the property line. If a fence is put over an easement, it is the owner's responsibility to move the fence if there is work to be done in the easement. Fences shall not exceed 3.5 feet in height for front or corner side yards and 6 feet for back and side yards in residential districts. Fences may be 8 feet tall for side and rear yards in commercial and industrial districts. The smooth finish side of the fence shall face outward from the yard being fenced. |
Garage | $.04 per Sq. Ft./Min. $20.00 | Garages shall not exceed 18 feet in height and shall not exceed the ground floor area of the dwelling. They shall have a pedestrian exit to the outdoors other than the garage door for vehicles. See Accessory building for additional regulations. |
Lot Split | $50.00 | A zoning certificate is required if you plan to divide one parcel of land into two or more. The proposed split must conform to the planning and zoning code. If it does not, you may apply for a variance. |
Moving Building | $100.00 | Moving a building from one location to another. See zoning administrator for regulations and requirements. |
Partial Permit | $25.00 | This applies only to commercial and industrial permits. |
Residential Building | $.08 per Sq. Ft. Living Area/Min. $20.00 | New construction or additions on existing residential buildings require a permit. A rough sketch of the improvements along with dimensions is required. New homes also require an elevation view. The improvements must adhere to yard setbacks. |
Rezoning | $150.00 | To change the zoning of a parcel requires a zoning certificate. A request must go before the Planning Commission and City Council. |
Sanitary Tap and Inspection | $70.00 (additional charges may apply) See Zoning Administrator | A sanitary tap is needed in order to connect to a sanitary main. It is the property owner's responsibility to connect to the main. For future reference, an inspection of all sanitary connections shall be completed before the connection is covered. |
Siding | $20.00 | A permit is needed when more than 25% of an existing structure is going to be resided. |
Sign | $.20 per sq. ft minimum $20.00 - maximum $50.00 | To install, erect, or replace a sign requires a permit. The sign can be luminous or non-luminous. A drawing of the sign with dimensions and location on the site is required. Signs in the downtown area may have to go through the C-3 Design Review Committee. |
Site/Development Plan Approval | $150.00 | Any proposed site development requires a zoning certificate and must go before the Planning Commission to ensure the health, safety and general welfare of the surrounding community. If the site is in the C-3 district, it may have to go before the C-3 Design Review Committee. |
Storm Tap and Inspection | $70.00 (additional charges may apply) See Zoning Administrator | A storm tap permit is needed in order to connect to a storm service line to a City storm main. Storm taps are used for downspouts, sump pump discharge, and footer tile. It is the property owner's responsibility to connect into the main. For future reference, an inspection of all storm connections shall be completed before the connection is covered. |
Subdivision Plat Approval | $150.00 | Subdivisions require a zoning certificate and must go before the Planning Commission for review. A preliminary subdivision plat must be reviewed and approved prior to the submittal of construction drawings. A final plat must be presented prior to recording the subdivision. |
Swimming Pool | $20.00 | A permit is needed for in ground and above ground pools. They shall be completely enclosed by a wall or fence. Above ground pools that have a deck do not require a fence. See yard setbacks. |
Vacate | $150.00 | A street or alley may be vacated. A written letter explaining the reason for the vacation and a petition showing all of the abutting owners must be submitted to the City Engineering Department. Allow at least four weeks to process the paperwork and to be presented to City Council. |
Variance | $150.00 | A property owner may apply for a variance if their lot or improvement does not conform to city code. A variance is presented before the Planning Commission. The Engineering Department will draw the vacation plat for the street or alley. |
Windows | $20.00 | A permit is needed when more than 25% of the windows of an existing structure are going to have replacement windows installed. |
R1 | 30' | 10' | 25' |
R2 | 25' | 8' | 20' |
R3 See Zoning Administrator | |||
MU | 10' | 5' Adjacent to nonresidential | 20' Adjacent to residential |
I1 | 70' | 25' Adjacent to nonresidential | 70' Adjacent to residential |
I2 | 50' | 10' Adjacent to nonresidential | 100' Adjacent to residential |
C1 | 40' | 15' Adjacent to nonresidential | 40' Adjacent to residential |
C2 | 40' | 15' Adjacent to nonresidential | 40' Adjacent to residential |
C3 IN THE CORE | 0' | 0' | 15' |
C3 OUT OF CORE | 10' | 5' | 15' |
- In the event that a maintenance easement is required along a side lot line, the minimum side yard requirement shall be increased to 15′ for such side yard
- Except that for lots abutting a state route the minimum front yard setback shall be 25′
- When two adjacent buildings do not share a common wall, they shall maintain separation of 20 feet
Community Reinvestment Area
The City of Bryan has a Community Reinvestment Area that consist of any industrial, commercial and multi-use zoned district, along with any residential zoned district that is adjacent to Main St. and High St. The tax abatement is for real property. The length of the abatement varies from 5, 7, or 10 years depending on the investment. CRA’s require approval prior to the building permit. See the CRA model map. Learn about the Community Reinvestment Area tax exemption.
Fair Housing
The Maumee Valley Planning Organization is the home of the Maumee Valley Fair Housing Consortium, which serves Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Paulding and Williams Counties. For more information, please call 419-633-6010. Download the brochure.
Additional Information
City Council has the authority to approve or deny commercial and industrial permits, rezoning requests, subdivision plats and variation requests. The City Council meets the first and third Mondays of each month.
The Planning Commission reviews conditional uses, right-of-way variations, rezoning requests, variances, and development plans and plats and makes a recommendation to the City Council. The Planning Commission meets the first Tuesday of the month. In order to be on the agenda for the meeting, we must have your completed paperwork thirteen calendar days before the meeting. The Engineering Department must advertise and notify everybody within a 250-foot radius of the change. The Planning Commission has full authority over the approval or denial of variances.
The C-3 Design Review Committee reviews any proposed development in the C-3 district and makes recommendations to the Planning Commission. They also review sign applications in the C-3 district.
Helpful Documents