City Income Tax

Effective August 1, 2021, the Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA) will begin collecting municipal income tax for the City of Bryan.  RITA is a non-profit governmental agency established in 1971 under chapter 167 of the Ohio Revised Code and is the largest municipal income tax collection agency in the State of Ohio.   RITA will be responsible for the administration and collection of all income taxes for the City of Bryan.

After August 1, 2021 all City of Bryan tax payments and tax forms, for current and prior tax years, are to be sent to RITA. 

For those wishing to utilize mail, the remittance address for our secured lockbox center is:
RITA, P.O. Box 477900, Broadview Hts, Ohio 44147-7900

Checks or money orders should be payable to the Regional Income Tax Agency or RITA.  Please include your Account Number on all payments and correspondence.

Regional Income Tax Agency
P.O. Box 477900
Broadview Hts, Ohio 44147-7900​


Helpful Links & Information

Income Tax Ordinance